Group Classes

Rock Bands & Jazz Combos with Dylan Sleasman

Rehearse and perform in group settings based on your stylistic interest! Available as an add-on to lessons or open to musicians from outside the studio.

Little Stars with Mrs. Sarah Costa

Does your little one love to move? Enjoy music and dance? Love to make crafts? Need some social interactions with other kiddos? Come join us for intros to art, music and movement! Ages 6 and under.

Choirs & Caroling with Chris Pickering

Sing and perform with a group of talented singers with similar interests! We have groups for young voices (Treble Choir), changed male voices (Men’s Choir) and advanced female voices (Senior Choir - by audition). Also available as an add-on to lessons or open to musicians from outside the studio. We prepare secular and sacred holiday music in the Fall/Winter and a wide range of styles in the Winter/Spring semester.

Sight Reading & Music Theory with Chris Pickering

Learn to read music and develop your independence! Designed for singers but useful for any musician who wants to read a score or develop their ear!

Sound Board Basics with Dannon Johnson

Starting to play gigs or interested in sound reinforcement? Dannon Johnson is a Norwin native and professional sound engineer with an experience level beyond her years. She’ll guide you through the first steps of running a board and setting up your gear so you know you’ll sound great at that first gig!